Monday, March 06, 2006

I do want his autograph!

Ok starting with Friday night.....I knew I was going to see "the boy" and that I had to look good and be confident, and what better way to be confident then in a brand spankin new pair of Silver jeans? So there was a dance on Friday and I was stolked cause not only do I love to dance, I knew strategically somehow I had to get a slow dance in. So I walk into the dance only to almost run into creepy man of the moment from so many weeks ago. I averted my eyes and headed to the middle of the gym. As we were dancing the boy walked in. Looking sooo good of real how could he not? Anyways by the very end of the night, he did ask me to slow dance. It was pretty much the best 5 mins of my life thus far. =) Whoa jr high wants their story back.

Anyways he came over after the dance and we just hung out and chatted. Then Saturday evening a bunch of us went sledding. It was so much fun! And I was stratigically allowed to sit behind the boy on the sled when we took group trips down on it. Then again afterwards we just hung out and played the question game. It was good cause we all got to learn a little bit more about each other. And who doesn't like J Rich's stories....golden!

Then last night after the fireside again......we all hung out.....yet again. And I got to hear the best pink pather story I have heard in a long while. Oh goodness Mody thanks for that.


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