Shun the non believer shhhunnn shhhhhhhuuuuuuuunnnnnnn

OK so quite possibly this has been one of the roughest days I have had in awhile. I awoke this morning feeling lethargic and gross. I looked into my closet to find my mountain of laundry that awaited me. I did my laundry not once but twice today because I had to rewash my clothing cause I forgot my lip gloss in one of my pockets and it grease stained pretty much everything!Hooray! Then I had to go and face a bank teller to get American cash, and took out my last 30 dollars and went to put 10 dollars of gas on my credit card. Amounting to 40 dollars I really didn't have. Ok. So I put the gas in my car and go to jump back in and realize wait a second....CRAP! As I stared at my keys through the glass of the drivers side window I cursed whatever was trying to make this day a no go for me. I went and phoned TNT towing and went back out to sit on the trunk of my car and wait. But I did not wait alone. Oh no. Some random trucker to strike up conversation with me. As I sat there trapped with no where to go I muddled small talk for 20 mins.
As soon as I got in the car I expected to feel relieved, however that feeling was replaced with impending doom. I phoned my mother and her knowing me( she wouldn't tell me I was going on a field trip till I was on the bus I am kind of a worrier) reassured me that everything would be ok and that I needed to go on this trip. But I keep on facing feelings and situations that are telling me otherwise. So something is out to get me. I am just hoping to have a fun time at Candymountain....I mean Utah, and that I don't lose a kidney.
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